At Resolute Associates, our pride comes with helping organizations bring their vision to action.
Our associates have extensive experience in real world complex issues. Our past public service is central to our continuing passion for helping communities. When we help an organization, it is because we understand how important the work is to that organization’s success in meeting their mission.
We have both technical abilities and executive leadership skills. We leverage our vast amount of experience and knowledge in emergency response and command to help organizations strategically and decisively.
Private and public partnerships have been integral to our shared success in protecting our communities, and we have the perspective and aptitude for creating synergy and delivering results. We understand that it is no longer feasible to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters without bringing together the collective talents across government agencies, businesses, and academia. Facilitating this type of unity is a core service we provide.
Socially, economically, and environmentally, our nation is at a pivotal moment which demands deliberate analysis, planning, and leadership. Strategic and contingency plans have never been more important.
We seek this opportunity to leverage our talents and passion to help move organizations forward in their readiness and resiliency to successfully navigate our ever-changing community landscape.
1332 Pismo Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401, United States
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Resolute Associates - From Vision to Action